Event Details
Tuesday, November 3 2020
|11:00 am - 11:30 am
**Please note: a link to the virtual event will be included in your confirmation email and also sent out via email on November 1st. A dial in number will also be provided for those who are not able to access the event via the web.**
Before one of the biggest nights in election history, Crosscut’s news and politics team breaks down the races to watch in Washington state; shares what results they consider bellwethers and will discuss how the outcomes at the state and national level will affect Seattle and the rest of the state.
Join Crosscut for Inside the Newsroom, a twice-monthly live virtual interview with Crosscut reporters that offers added detail on breaking news and important perspectives on our ever-changing cultural landscape. From the tumult in City Hall to the complex impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, Inside the Newsroom is a chance to hear directly from journalists on the ground about how these stories come together and to get the backstory on the most important issues affecting our community. More information on this week's topic will be available in late September.
What do you want to know about journalism at Crosscut? What questions do you have about how our reporters do their work? Click here to submit your thoughts and we will be in touch if we plan to ask your question at this event.