Volunteer with Cascade PBS

A group of CPM event volunteers posing

We are thrilled to be able to engage with members of the community who have a passion for our mission through volunteerism opportunities.

The Cascade PBS volunteer program helps support the work of the organization to build relationships with our current supporters as well as reach new audiences through events and community engagement. There are many opportunities to help events and initiatives throughout the year. Volunteer roles range from in-office work like preparing mailings and organizing supplies to event set-up and break-down, registration and ushering.

Please complete the volunteer application below, providing as much detail as possible to help us best match volunteer roles with your skills, interests and availability.

One of our staff members will review your application and be in touch to set up an introductory conversation. Volunteers will be trained and activated on a rolling basis for opportunities throughout the year.

If you would like more information on volunteering, please email Michelle Demers Shaevitz, Event Volunteer Coordinator, email at cpmvolunteers@cascadepbs.org.

Volunteer Application

Phone Type
Please list any conditions you think we should be aware of.
What is your general availability?
Select all that apply.
Other interests not listed above.
Hanging posters, handing out flyers, delivering marketing materials, etc.
Event set up/break down.
Tabling, etc.
How did you hear about volunteer opportunities with CPM?